Selecting and developing the best Leaders and Teams
More about Findleaders
We have helped a number of organisations to develop their Leadership. We use a number of tools to select and develop Leaders:
Informal network mapping to identify informal leaders
Adult development tools to measure complexity of thinking
Polarity Mapping to help solve certain wicked problems
WAVE, OPQ, PF16 and NEO to measure personality
360 development to help leaders grow
Developmental coaching to grow your leaders
We provide 90 minute - one day workshops on the following topics:
Self awareness, Emotional management and self motivation, Leadership flexibility, Leadership shadow, Developing a purpose, Critical thinking, Problem solving, ​Decision making, Motivating others, influencing, Managing politics, Time management, Delivering feedback, Performance management, Crucial conversations, Managing change, Presentation skills, Facilitation skills, Coaching skills, NLP, Reversal theory, Intro to TA, Systems thinking,
Team development
Enneagram, SDI, TRIBE, ORSC Tools, Prosocial, Human element (FIRO)
Networking, Building rapport, Developing wants through effective questions, Creating a value proposition, Objection handling and closing
Reports available to purchase
Adult development ​
Stages standard sentence completion and Stages Leadership Completion
Harthill Leadership development profile
Values Tech profile
Growth edge report (Robert Keegans model)
Recruitment and development
Hogan DS
Risk type Compass
WAVE Leadership Impact
WAVE Professional styles
WAVE Resilient agility
Business focused Inventory of personality
Achievement Motivation Inventory
TOP Dark triad of personality at work
NEO 5 factor inventory
PASAT Effective sales
Embedding behaviours - 'one big thing'​
Pulse Survey
360 Reports
Leadership Circle
WAVE Leadership impact 360
Cultural surveys
Leadership circle Cultural survey
Informal Networks survey
Team Development
Aston Team performance indicator
Brite Team assessment